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Chromebooks are that are great for the user who lives in the cloud. The thing is, they are designed with portability in mind, which generally means smaller displays. As display tech moves forward, laptops have more and more pixels per inch, which means one thing: everything on the screen appears smaller.

Chromebook是,非常适合住在云端的用户。 事实是,它们的设计考虑了可移植性,通常意味着较小的显示器。 随着显示技术的发展,笔记本电脑每英寸的像素越来越多,这意味着一件事:屏幕上的所有内容都变小了。

As a result, many users may have a hard time seeing the content on the display or reading text. No fear, though: it’s actually incredibly easy to increase the size of text and other on-screen elements on a Chromebook by zooming in.

结果,许多用户可能很难看清显示器上的内容或阅读文本。 不过请不要担心:实际上,通过放大来增加Chromebook上文本和其他屏幕元素的大小非常容易。

如何缩放每页基础 (How to Zoom on a Per-Page Basis)

Maybe you’re happy with how the Chromebook handles most pages, but there are specific websites that are just too small to read. For those situations, you can actually just zoom in on the page—there are a couple of ways to go about that, but both are very simple.

也许您对Chromebook能够处理大多数页面感到满意,但是有些特定的网站太小而无法阅读。 在这种情况下,您实际上可以放大页面-有两种解决方法,但这两种方法都很简单。

The simplest method (in my mind, at least), it to just use keyboard shortcuts:


  • To increase the zoom level: Press the Ctrl and + buttons at the same time.


  • To decrease the zoom level: Press the Ctrl and – buttons at the same time.


Boom, simple.


If you’re more of a mouse kind of person, though, you can also do it from Chrome’s menu.


First, click the three-button overflow menu in the top right corner of your browser window. About halfway down the menu, give or take, there’s a Zoom section. Just click the + and – buttons to change the zoom level.

首先,单击浏览器窗口右上角的三按钮溢出菜单。 在菜单的大约一半处,给出或接受,都有一个“缩放”部分。 只需单击+和–按钮即可更改缩放级别。

screenshot 2017-01-13 at 9.35.35 am

Chrome should remember this setting for this page moving forward, which is nice. If you ever decide that you want to go back to the default (100%) level, just click the little magnifying glass on the right side of the ombibox, then select “Reset to Default.”

Chrome应该记住此设置,以便此页面向前移动,这很好。 如果您决定要恢复为默认(100%)级别,只需单击多功能框右侧的小放大镜,然后选择“重置为默认值”。

Screenshot 2017-01-13 at 9.38.19 AM

如何在系统范围内更改缩放和字体大小设置 (How to Change Zoom and Font Size Settings System-Wide)

If you find that everything is just too small all the time, you’re going to want to zoom in system-wide. This will include all web pages and system settings, but unfortunately doesn’t affect the file manager or things like the wallpaper picker. That said, it should still help since it covers 95% of where you likely spend your time.

如果您发现所有内容一直都太小,那么您将需要在系统范围内进行放大。 这将包括所有网页和系统设置,但不幸的是不会影响文件管理器或墙纸选择器之类的东西。 就是说,它仍然会有所帮助,因为它涵盖了您可能花费时间的95%。

First, click on the system tray in the bottom right corner—there is where the clock, Wi-Fi, battery, and user icons are shown. From there, click the Settings icon (the cog).

首先,单击右下角的系统托盘-在此处显示时钟,Wi-Fi,电池和用户图标。 从那里,单击“设置”图标(齿轮)。

screenshot 2017-01-13 at 9.47.36 am

Scroll all the way to the bottom, then click the “Show advanced settings” button. Then scroll a bit more until you see the “Web content” section.

一直滚动到底部,然后单击“显示高级设置”按钮。 然后再滚动一点,直到看到“ Web content”部分。

screenshot 2017-01-13 at 9.52.02 am

This section has two useful entries: Font Size and Page Zoom.


  • Font Size: If you’re just looking to increase the fonts across the system and leave everything else alone, use the former—there are a handful of options here, ranging from Very Small to Very Large. Pick your poison.

    字体大小:如果您只是想增加整个系统的字体,而不管其他所有东西,请使用前者-这里有一些选项,从非常小到非常大。 选择你的毒药。

Screenshot 2017-01-13 at 9.53.42 AM
  • Page Zoom: This works exactly like the zoom settings we looked at earlier, but instead of just working on one page, it’ll use this setting on all web pages (and the Settings menu). Use the drop-down menu to set your preference.

    页面缩放:该功能与我们之前看过的缩放设置完全一样,但是它不仅在一页上工作,还将在所有网页(和“设置”菜单)上使用此设置。 使用下拉菜单设置您的偏好。

screenshot 2017-01-13 at 9.54.06 am

That’s pretty much it. It’s worth noting that if you change the zoom level on a system-wide basis, the magnifying icon will not show up in Chrome’s omnibox like it does when you do so on just one page. You can, however, still use the shortcuts to further change the zoom settings on specific pages.

就是这样。 值得注意的是,如果您在系统范围内更改缩放级别,则放大图标将不会像仅在一页上那样显示在Chrome的多功能框中。 但是,您仍然可以使用快捷方式来进一步更改特定页面上的缩放设置。

如何在Chromebook上更改显示分辨率 (How to Change the Display Resolution on a Chromebook)

This is a last resort and not something I normally recommend doing. Since these displays are designed to work at a specific resolution, forcing it to use a different resolution can make things look fuzzy or just slightly out of focus. That said, you can use this to make everything bigger if you absolutely have to—web pages, settings, the file manager, the desktop—everything.

这是不得已的方法,而不是我通常建议执行的操作。 由于这些显示器被设计为在特定的分辨率下工作,因此强制其使用不同的分辨率可能会使情况看起来模糊或稍微失焦。 就是说,如果绝对需要,您可以使用它来使一切变得更大,例如网页,设置,文件管理器,桌面。

First, click the system tray, then click the cog icon to head into the Settings menu.


screenshot 2017-01-13 at 9.59.22 am

Under the “Device” section, click the “Display Settings” button. This will open the display management console, where you can change things like display resolution, screen orientation, and more.

在“设备”部分下,单击“显示设置”按钮。 这将打开显示管理控制台,您可以在其中更改显示分辨率,屏幕方向等内容。

screenshot 2017-01-13 at 9.59.34 am

The “Resolution” dropdown should have several different options tucked inside of it. The lower the number, the larger everything on the screen will appear. For instance, 640×480 is a much lower resolution than 1280×800, and will effectively double the size of all on-screen elements.

“解决方案”下拉菜单中应包含几个不同的选项。 数字越小,屏幕上出现的所有内容越大。 例如,640×480的分辨率比1280×800的分辨率低得多,它将使所有屏幕元素的尺寸有效地翻倍

Screenshot 2017-01-13 at 10.00.31 AM

As soon as you select a new resolution, the change will take place instantly. If you don’t like it, simply change it.

选择新的分辨率后,更改将立即生效。 如果您不喜欢它,只需对其进行更改。

Again, this will change the way everything looks and feels. It will all work fine, and if you can handle the bit of pixelation around all on-screen elements, feel free to use what works best for you. I’d recommend start with the zoom and font size options first, of course.

同样,这将改变一切外观和感觉。 一切正常,如果您可以处理所有屏幕元素周围的像素点,请随意使用最适合您的内容。 当然,我建议先从缩放和字体大小选项开始。




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